The Multi-Dimensional
44-Card Deck created by Sunny Dawn Johnston
Artwork by Lucinda Rae
Featuring cards from the Ascended Masters, Numbers, Symbols, and Animals.

The Multi-Dimensional Oracle cards were channeled with Love, Intention, Light, and Possibilities.
These cards called me to them. They wanted to be brought into form, each and every one of them. They were intentionally channeled through me, guiding me to the artist, Lucinda Rae, in an effortless and Divine way.
The energy of Love came through me as each Oracle announced themselves. There was clear Intention throughout the entire creation of this deck: from the beginning idea to the project completion. I could feel the Light manifest as each card came into visual creation. With the LOVE, INTENTION and LIGHT … came the great gift this Multi-Dimensional Oracle deck has to offer: POSSIBILITIES.
The possibility that you will begin to connect with and trust your intuition and not depend on what others tell you. The possibility that you recognize that your true nature is Spirit first and foremost and choose to expand beyond the training of our 3D world. The possibility that you are opening up to the Numbers, Symbols, Animals, and Ascended Masters that are here to support and guide you … the very Multi-Dimensional You!
There is a vast amount of life to discover beyond this 3D world. My vision is that these cards will help you to discover, connect, and rise to meet the guidance and support that the higher dimensions are waiting to share with you.
Welcome to the Multi-Dimensional Journey!

Experience the Multi-Dimensional Oracle Card Deck Below
Pick-an-Oracle Card Carousel
Set your intention by asking the question: What do I need to know today?
Then use the arrows to flip through the card deck below and click the image that you feel called to and see what is guiding you today.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
(French Philosopher)
It likely isn’t your first time reading those words above. But what do they really mean?
It means that your infinite, multi-dimensional self is currently living in a finite, three-dimensional reality.
How can we live within the different dimensions of spirituality, awareness, and existence if bound by this finite actuality? Moreover, are we really even bound by it?
For many of us, it often feels like what we see is exactly what is. That is essentially what our human nature and psychological sensory system tells us. This way of perceiving and processing can cause us to feel doubtful, hopeless, lost, and even alone.
But what if we really are connected to and part of something greater?
And that within us are the very qualities, powers, and energies of these extraordinary unseen dimensions? What if we, in all our human form, are the bridge between these Multi-Dimensional realms, where true and pure Spirit abides?
All it takes is a little curiosity and an open mind.
And I have some great news for you!
- Spirit is always supporting you, even when you feel disconnected.
- Spirit has no judgment about you and loves you no matter what.
- Spirit is ever-present and has unlimited patience for you
Spirit is always at the ready for you in countless ways and comes through in the form of thoughts, memories, dreams, prayers, inspirations, interpersonal connections, signs from departed loved ones, and SO MUCH more.
Here’s just a peek at what’s inside each of your four-dimensional pathways…
Through the power of Symbols, we are shown what we can be.
YIN YANG – Duality, Harmony, Extremes

We have been living in extreme duality since 2020 began. Extremes are everywhere, from your personal life to your professional life, in our government, and in our world. Sometimes it feels so out of control. YIN YANG reminds you that simply being aware of the extremes of duality, and how they swiftly and wildly swing the pendulum, you can bring them back into harmony by honoring both sides. When you choose to focus on and tune into harmony, the truth and meaning of the experience is revealed.
LIGHTHOUSE – Guidance, Shine Your Light, Safety

Everyone needs a lighthouse to bring them home in a storm. When the storm has passed for you, you then, by default, become the lighthouse to guide others home safely, so that we can all shine our lights just a little bit brighter every day. LIGHTHOUSE shines the way for you to be that beacon in the storm, to shine ever brighter as a result of the lessons you’ve learned from the storm itself.
SPIRAL – Cycle of Life,
Death & Rebirth

The circle of life happens every minute of every day, from the smallest of atoms to the biggest of galaxies. Nothing is ever wasted. Just as the spiral never ends, your Spirit never ends. Whether you are in this world, of this world, or outside of this world, the spiral weaves in and out of all realities. The good news is that whether “in”, “of”, or “out”, you are never left out! SPIRAL encircles you in the knowledge that you are always a part of it, learning, growing, and ever evolving into your highest self!
Through the presence of Animals, we learn about our true nature.
ELEPHANT – Wisdom, Loyalty, Sensitivity

The gift of ELEPHANT reminds you to nurture yourself first before you nurture others. It shows you that your intuition will lead you on your life path. Alternatively, ELEPHANT shares the importance of seeing the bigger picture, to bring the “elephant in the room” into your awareness to honor and release so that life flows more freely to, from, and through you.
EAGLE – Freedom, Visionary,

EAGLE encourages you to reconnect with your spiritual path and soar to your highest heights. It reminds you about listening to your intuition as well as your heart, allowing both to lead the way. Connection in this way opens doors and allows the light in, showing your heart the way forward. Opportunities abound; choose those closest to your heart.
UNICORN – Innocence, Dreamer, Spiritual Vision

UNICORN brings in mysticism, magic, health, and purity. Where they exist, there is hope and joy. It reminds you that finding balance between emotions and logic and feminine and masculine is essential. It also represents the stretching of your imagination and vision beyond what you think is possible. This magical energy exists outside space and time, allowing UNICORN to be a shapeshifter.
Numbers bring a sense of logic, yet they also carry spiritual meaning and insights.
111 – New Beginnings, Thoughts, Independence

111 shows you that thoughts create reality; that new beginnings and moving forward are possible while being aware of your soul’s purpose. 111 represents a leader, not a follower, utilizing creativity and optimism.
555 – Major Change, Possibilities, Fearlessness

555 is all about change and action while being flexible, creative, and courageous. It shares kindness and mercy and calls for you to be adventurous and filled with curiosity while remaining true to who you are and nurturing of your uniqueness. You are unstoppable. 555 reminds you that opportunities abound, so choose those that most resonate with you.
888 – Infinity, Abundance, Giving & Receiving

888 shares the importance of giving and receiving. It reminds you that actions produce consequences. 888 represents the circle of life and encircles you with patience, effort, persistence, and strength.
Ascended Masters are models of loving thought and action, who show us how to master our reality through intentional living.
BUDDHA – Enlightenment, Oneness, Peace

BUDDHA is the enlightened one, the knower. He reminds you of the truth within each person’s heart and mind. He embodies nobility, purity, and the importance of being charitable – to remind you to be true to your highest good, thus supporting the highest good of all. BUDDHA points out your path; it’s up to you to walk it.
MOTHER MARY – Grace, Miracles, Fertility, Mother

MOTHER MARY inspires in you the desire to live in the presence of God while surrendering to love and allowing it to change you. Listen to the voice of Spirit. In surrendering yourself through love, you discover who you are meant to become. She offers you the opportunity to live a life filled with grace. Expressing your authentic spirituality leads you to the One. MOTHER MARY reminds us to always honor the Divine Feminine.
MERLIN – Divine Magic, Spiritual Teacher

MERLIN encourages you to harmonize the earth’s energies and the forces of your own soul. He strives to lead you to inner freedom and higher consciousness, keeping one foot in both worlds. MERLIN supports you in moving beyond the warrior to live harmoniously with earth and one another. He reminds you to celebrate the Divine Masculine spirit of nature.
The Multi-Dimensional
will support you in harnessing your innate Multi-Dimensional power and awareness so that you navigate your three-dimensional reality with ease, grace, and the unlimited wisdom and potential of your Spirit.
Are you ready to create and live the Multi-Dimensional life you desire and deserve?
What People are Saying …
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
These cards are absolutely beautiful. The energy that is felt with each card is incredible. There is a magical connection with spirit when you read these cards and the readings just intuitively flow. Thank you Sunny for this wonderful experience!
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
These multidimensional cards are just stunning! The artwork is so beautiful. Each card was divinely inspired by Sunny. Love the energy and messages each one has to give .
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
The cards are beautiful. There are layers of information in them, it seems to me. The more I focus on a card, more information keeps coming forward. What an amazing artist Lucinda is.
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
I was guided to buy these cards weeks before they were announced. I know why because these cards are special because they work with your intuition. Absolutely beautiful too!
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
The most beautiful and powerful card deck I have ever seen! The colors and artwork are captivating! Each card radiates light, love and insight! This deck feels magical! It is a powerful tool to connect with spirit and spark intuition.
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
These oracle cards are absolutely beautiful. I actually love that a book is not included but just a few words so I can feel into what the card means for me. Such a great set!
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
I love the mMultidimensional card deck.
So colorful and so full of energy. Looking forward to all that the cards unlock for myself and others.
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
These cards are absolutely beautiful! The energy you can feel is amazing. The detail in every card is special and unique. Love them!
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
I love these cards! They are so beautiful and the story behind them is amazing! I really like that they are a mixed deck of numbers, signs, animals and ascended masters.
Multi-Dimensional Oracle Cards
Beautiful images, fantastic color, detail, and amazing high energy multidimensional oracle cards. What a wonderful set to intuit. Love them!